preview: cpa firms get aggressive in marketing

here are the top-line results from study launched with “cpa marketing goes ballistic.”

by rick telberg

marketing has come a long way in cpa firms. it’s no longer a matter of talking up neighbors at cocktail parties, buying someone lunch, and/or even offering new services to existing clients – although all those things still happen and remain essential ingredients to practice growth.

key findings:
1) the vast majority of firms are planning more aggressive marketing.
2) brochures, entertainment and seminars will be the tactics of choice.
3) new trends: half will use email newsletters. one in five will use telemarketers.
4) seven in 10 respondents are partners, indicating top-level involvement in business development.
5) most of the rest of respondents are marketing directors, suggesting continuing professionalization.



copyright 2005 rick telberg/bay street group llc. all rights reserved.