3 steps to getting the most out of every meeting

meetings can be hard to get. don’t waste them.

by ty hendrickson

every single day you are selling. it could be an idea, a product, an action or even selling yourself. it’s easy to agree that, yes, you are always selling something.

more: build the practice you want in 4 steps | get goal-ready for 2021 | three w’s for networking the right way | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | 4 reasons to welcome rejection
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however, you may not intentionally approach each one of your client meetings as a sales call. by spending three to four minutes preparing before each interaction and by working through the three steps below, you will find your clients agreeing with you and buying into your ideas and services.
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build the practice you want in 4 steps

businessman's shoes toeing words "what's your next step?"it’s never too late to start.

by ty hendrickson

building an accounting practice is not for the faint of heart. you go into this profession because of a love of analyzing numbers and helping others, but to have work to do accountants have to pivot and become salespeople too.

more: get goal-ready for 2021 | why choose you? | the one big reason your hiring sucks | 5 crucial areas of firm culture not to ignore | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | are you botching your first impression? | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad
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there are many ways to grow a practice, some being more passive, including utilizing referrals as they come, and some being more outward, including networking and prospecting. the bottom line is that accountants must find a way to bring new clients in the door to keep the doors open.
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get goal-ready for 2021

dreaming and planning are tough even in years without a pandemic.

by ty hendrickson

as we begin to wrap up 2020 and look toward the next year, now is the perfect time to decide what you want in 2021 for yourself. whether that is personally or professionally or a combination of both, goal setting is a critical factor in whether or not you actually get where you want to be.

more: why choose you? | the abcs of exceptional cpa leaders | three w’s for networking the right way | the one big reason your hiring sucks | 5 crucial areas of firm culture not to ignore | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | are you botching your first impression? | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | the real problems created in a remote workforce | can you really grow without adding clients? | 4 reasons to welcome rejectiongoprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

personally, i love goal setting. but i also love to-do lists, checklists and about any other type of list. as a type a accountant, goal setting is right up my alley, but i know this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
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why choose you?

businessman cutting back jobs. all on white background.you may be unique, but then what?

by ty hendrickson

why should someone choose to do business with you over someone else? have you ever sat down and truly thought through the answer to this question?

more: the abcs of exceptional cpa leaders | three w’s for networking the right way | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | 4 reasons to welcome rejection
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whether you own your own accounting practice or are a part of a larger firm, this is probably the most important question you will ever need to know the answer to if you want to be successful.
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the abcs of exceptional cpa leaders

businesswoman sitting in front of business meetingworried about retention? look within.

by ty hendrickson

have you ever heard the quote, “people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses?” this quote was proven in gallup’s comprehensive survey which found that 50 percent of americans have left a job to “get away from their manager at some point in their career.”

more: three w’s for networking the right way | the one big reason your hiring sucks | are you botching your first impression? | the real problems created in a remote workforce
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

today, retaining top employees ranks as one of the top three issues cpa firms have. no one wants to be known as a “bad” boss, but what are some things you can do to help you become a leader in your firm?

here is a quick abc strategy.
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three w’s for networking the right way

people standing, holding food and talkingwho, what and where: the keys to smarter networking.

by ty hendrickson

do you ever feel frustrated that you put yourself out there in networking situations, but you just don’t see the results you want?

more: the one big reason your hiring sucks | 5 crucial areas of firm culture not to ignore | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad | can you really grow without adding clients?
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

so, what’s the secret to being efficient with business development and not getting burnt out on all of these after-hours networking events?

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the one big reason your hiring sucks

three partners, one male and two female, walking and smiling outside a buildingand three ways to fix it

by ty hendrickson

it’s said in the profession that employees must earn their place by proving their loyalty to the firm through years of experience.

more: 5 crucial areas of firm culture not to ignore | the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | are you botching your first impression? | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | the real problems created in a remote workforce | 4 reasons to welcome rejection
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

that might be one of the biggest lies in our industry right now and the no. 1 reason firms are facing recruiting and retention problems.

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5 crucial areas of firm culture not to ignore

two businesswomen shaking handstop talent is looking for true support.

by ty hendrickson

firm culture. i recently saw an interesting post about culture on linkedin that got me thinking about this topic. culture has become almost a buzzword in the accounting industry because firms are facing an incredibly competitive talent market combined with high expectations and long hours that come with this career choice. firms are making a big deal out of building a culture that is a fun and balanced working environment in hopes of attracting and retaining the best talent, but unfortunately, the majority of firms are missing the mark.

more: the cpa firm partner’s role is changing | are you botching your first impression? | maybe the pandemic isn’t all bad | the no. 1 reason accountants fail to build advisory practices | the real problems created in a remote workforce | can you really grow without adding clients? | 4 reasons to welcome rejection
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

let me let you in on a little secret, which was the exact point of the linkedin post i mentioned. the most attractive cultures are not the firms that have team events and mixers and other “fun events.” fun is not what the top talent is looking for in a firm culture. in all reality, a fun culture with events is going to attract the opposite of the top talent you desire as a firm.
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