how to close the generation gap

younger and older businesswoman looking at laptop at outdoor cafethe false assumption that stands in the way.

by rick solomon
bridging the gap

there is a fundamentally false assumption that’s responsible for the gap between current and emerging firm leaders.

more: eliminate mystery through communication | leadership growth is a two-way street | how to encourage firm ownership | change when? continuously | win with an intentional culture | each generation must change
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this gap limits what we can accomplish, makes things harder than necessary, and undermines the very quality of our lives.

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a simple way to dissolve the generational gap

older and younger businessmen talkingcurrent leaders have to set the tone.

by rick solomon
bridging the gap

like most conflicts, the generational gap between current and emerging leaders can be minimized or eliminated by honest communication that involves a degree of vulnerability.

more: growing, developing future leaders is a two-way street | they don’t want to be owners! | the culture of continuous improvement | a winning culture is an intentional culture | a call for change: an open letter to each generation
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when open sharing of goals and perspectives takes place, all parties are better able to understand and respect the individual needs of “the opposition.” in such an environment it becomes far easier to find ways to meet the desires of all participants and create a shared path toward mutual satisfaction.
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most firms ‘asleep at the wheel’

the new war for clients calls for real strategic advisers.

by rick solomon

many firms that i know and work with are not experiencing any difficulties in bringing in new clients. in fact, some are dealing with capacity issues. the majority of our profession is having a different experience because they have, to put it bluntly, fallen asleep at the wheel.

rick solomon, ceo, ran one
rick solomon

our profession’s thought leaders have for years been making an impassioned plea for cpas to be more client focused. they’ve been telling us we must better understand and provide solutions to client’s needs beyond traditional services. for the most part, only a small percentage of the profession has responded. common talk among many thought leaders is about how resistant to change most accountants are. in reality, most firms continue to provide pretty much the same services they always have, making a few “tweaks” along the way in the name of “progress.” that’s just not enough anymore. read more →