how to handle price sensitivity

man in glasses and striped shirt holding a pink piggy bank“have you ever known anyone to go up to an attorney and say, ‘why do you charge so much?'”

by michelle long and sandi leyva
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

how comfortable do you feel when a potential client asks you how much do you charge?

more small firm growth strategies: how to handle referrals – and how not to | trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management | how to find hidden money for your clients | why clients need dashboards | 3 ways to implement value pricing | 3 ways to raise your prices | building reputation to build your business | 3 killer lead generation channels | your existing clients are your best leads

don’t you love that? you answer the phone and the first question is how much do you charge? how do you feel about this? are you very comfortable, somewhat comfortable or somewhat uncomfortable or very uncomfortable?

of our conference participants, 37 percent are somewhat uncomfortable and another 9 percent are very uncomfortable when someone asks about their fees. so that’s almost half of us are uncomfortable discussing our fees. only a fourth of us, 24 percent, are very comfortable.

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how to handle referrals – and how not to

illustration of recommendation and later confirmation as worthwhilestart with the warm introduction, then thank the source.

by michelle long and sandi leyva
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

we’re talking about client communication and all kinds of different things about communicating with our clients because sometimes as accountants and bookkeepers this is an area we might not be quite that great in.

more small firm growth strategies: trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management | how to find hidden money for your clients | why clients need dashboards | 3 ways to implement value pricing | how small firms can use value pricing | 3 ways to raise your prices | building reputation to build your business | 3 killer lead generation channels | your existing clients are your best leads | need more business? focus on referrals

we want to start by talking about the art of a referral. that’s not exactly client communication but it certainly helps us get clients.
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trashing the spreadsheet: best practices in modern expense management

ushering a new wave: automated solutions.
ushering in a new wave of automated solutions.

how digitizing can benefit clients – and you.

by michelle long and sandi leyva
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

in this session on trashing the spreadsheet, stories in expense automation, we’re going to hear a lot about best practice. we know a lot of you have clients who have expense automation needs.

more small firm growth strategies: how to find hidden money for your clients | why clients need dashboards | 3 ways to implement value pricing | how small firms can use value pricing | 3 ways to raise your prices | building reputation to build your business | 3 killer lead generation channels | your existing clients are your best leads | need more business? focus on referrals

today, we hear from jason mills, director of customer experience at expensify. read more →

why clients need dashboards

finagraph screenshotsit’s all about packaging the information they need in an easy-to-digest format.

by michelle long and sandi leyva
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

we were talking about using dashboards to make more money with mike milan, the senior vice president of finagraph.

more small firm growth strategies: 3 ways to implement value pricing | how small firms can use value pricing | 3 ways to raise your prices | building reputation to build your business | 3 killer lead generation channels | your existing clients are your best leads | need more business? focus on referrals

mike has entrepreneurial experience, has created his own businesses and business ventures and helped others as a consultant. he’s known for crafting ideas into million-dollar companies, which is a really great skill to have. here are excerpts from our conversation:

mike milan:

if you look at my background i’ve been part of nine different startups, five different transactions with three on the sales side and two on the buy side. in between doing finagraph and selling my business i did some consulting. and so i had some boots on the ground or life in the trenches that i really would like to impart and share with the group.

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