turn your business model upside down and reap the rewards

illustration of man pushing "services" buttonyour secret weapon to exponential profits.

by matt solomon

learning to price, sell, and deliver through a simple, proven process streamlines the way you communicate your value and makes it easy for clients to say yes. it’s your secret weapon.

more: shift 2: step into the role of a business advisor | shift 1: stop depending on compliance work | take the nine-point practice checkup | three ways to leverage today’s uncertainties for renewed growth
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with practice, your ability to price, sell and deliver will be as routine as a 1040

but it’s worth a whole lot more: between $36,000 and $180,000 per year, per client.
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five reasons new financial advisors fail

don’t be afraid of a learning curve.

by matt solomon

if you’re thinking about making the shift to financial advising, you might be wondering if you have the skills you need to succeed. the good news is that as an accountant, you already have all the tools you need to become a financial advisor.

more: you’re selling the wrong stuff | the path to a conscious business | tap into your gold mine | shift your practice: stop depending on compliance work
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

however, having the right tools does not automatically make you an advisor just like owning a hammer doesn’t make you a carpenter. you’ll need to develop a new skill set to use your accounting tools as a financial advisor. without these new skills, accountants often fail to achieve their goals and build a business that allows them to do meaningful work, make more money and spend less time doing it.
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you’re selling the wrong stuff

businesswoman in a meeting with a male colleague smiling at him as they sit at a table discussing paperwork over coffeeit comes down to giving clients better business results.

by matt solomon

when you’re struggling to grow your business, success can seem mysterious. you feel like you’re doing everything right: you’re good at what you do, you give clients what they ask for and you work really, really hard. so what’s missing?

more: the path to a conscious business | are you running your practice by default? | your secret weapon for exponential profits
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the answer is hiding right in plain sight. if you aren’t seeing the growth and success you want to have, chances are that you aren’t selling what clients really want.
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the art and science of hiring: three essentials for the covid age

after covid, recruiting may never be the same, according to bill carroll, hoops hr ceo.

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with matt solomon

bill carroll, ceo of hoops hr, reveals the three keys to smart hiring for accounting firms, in this conversation with matt solomon.

“we look at retention in really three key areas,” carroll says. “it’s security for that person. a lot of that has to do with income, but a lot of that has to do with how they’re treated internally as a person. how does the organization engage in conflict? how do they solve a conflict? is there ultimately a resolution? there’s a security aspect to that, and pay is just a portion of that.”

“care is another,” carroll adds. “security plus care. we look at care as benefits packages or access to benefit packages. then there’s retirement and perks, which should really be aligned with your core values.”

the third element is appreciation. “appreciation will ultimately lead to retention. we all know that experiences drive beliefs, beliefs drive behaviors, and behaviors drive results.”


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price-sell-deliver is broken

what to do instead.

by matt solomon

the way you price your services, how you sell them to clients and whether you can deliver at (or beyond) their expectations are key factors that determine the level of your success. if you do those three activities well, it should be easy to grow a profitable business, earn a great income and maintain a clear work/life balance.

more: the path to a conscious business | are you running your practice by default? | your secret weapon for exponential profits
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

the problem is that accountants often don’t know how to price, sell and deliver correctly. in fact, the old (traditional) model that accountants use to price, sell and deliver services to their customers often leads to customer dissatisfaction, employee frustration and you working too many hours under too much stress.
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the path to a conscious business

man walking boardwalk forest trail in early morningwhat did you do yesterday to move closer to your dream?

by matt solomon

in my last post, i talked about what it means to have a default accounting practice. the biggest problem with a default practice is that it leaves you unsatisfied and unfulfilled. you’re hungry for something greater, but you don’t know what that could look like or how to get there.

more: are you running your practice by default? | invest in the right guidance | tap into your gold mine | your secret weapon for exponential profits | step into the role of a business advisor | shift your practice: stop depending on compliance work | take the nine-point practice checkup | three ways to leverage today’s uncertainties for renewed growth
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

we talked about awareness as a critical first step in creating change inside of your business. i want to take that idea one step further and introduce you to the concept that has the ability to transform your practice and your life: consciousness.
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are you running your practice by default?

sad businessman sitting at desk outdoors and looking straight aheadhere’s how to start turning it around.

by matt solomon

if you’re like most accountants i’ve worked with, it’s probably not in your nature to rock the boat. you much prefer the tortoise’s “slow and steady” motto to the energetic but erratic pace of the hare. you’re methodical and thorough, and those qualities make you an excellent accountant.

more: invest in the right guidance | tap into your gold mine | shift your practice: stop depending on compliance work
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

but any strength can become a weakness – and for accountants, those same qualities that help them execute compliance work can also be dangerous. i’ve seen too many accountants whose firm is far from what they envisioned when they first set out to create their own company and the main culprit is simple, you’re running a business with a “worker bee” mentality.
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