wanna change the tax world?

should the april 15th irs extensions go automatic and paperless? the irs needs your feedback.

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by eva rosenberg, ea

you can affect irs policies – really!

you’ve recently finished up the tedious task of doing extensions for your clients’ pass-through entities.

you’re about to do it again for your individuals and corporations.

are you feeling like it’s a frustrating waste of time? it’s the same people and businesses that need additional time, year-after-year. you know it. the irs knows it.

please fill out our survey and give us your feedback – good or bad. we’d like your honest input – because, really, you can change tax policy.

so why go through the charade of the annual extension, when we all know the returns aren’t going to be finished before september or october anyway? and then, suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with the horrifying realization that you left out a client – and, oh those penalties! or they walk in, in may and tell you they created a partnership or corporation – and, oh, forgot to mention it.

that’s what we are proposing to change. to have the irs make those march 15 (7004) and april 15 (4868 and 7004) extensions automatic and paperless. believe it or not, with your feedback, we can make this happen.  why? because it’s not just your time being wasted, irs wastes a lot of time on this, too.

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