pricing your cannabis services

whether you work with cannabis or cbd/hemp businesses, these 6 steps will guide you.

by andrew hunzicker

properly quoting accounting fees is complicated in any industry, but establishing a pricing policy for the wily cannabis and hemp/cbd niches can be especially challenging and overwhelming.

if you find it hard, or even scary, to price your cannabis and hemp/cbd accounting services without undercutting your value, you are not alone.

more: why are ceos so confused? | everything you wanted to know about dispensary accounting but were afraid to ask | 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients
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many accountants struggle with raising their fees beyond low hourly rates. learning how to

  • package your services,
  • create clear offers to reflect your value, and
  • develop a system for charging appropriately for cleanup, onboarding and ongoing work

will enable you to confidently set your price and find clients who will happily pay it.
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why are ceo clients so confused?

business hand holding hot chart in crystal ballyou just need to be a little bit of a mind reader.

by andrew hunzicker

why are ceos so confused about what they want from their bookkeeper, accountant, tax cpa or cfo?

more: everything you wanted to know about dispensary accounting but were afraid to ask | 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
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here’s what they tell me they want:

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everything you wanted to know about dispensary accounting but were afraid to ask

plus why trying to beat 280e isn’t worth it.

by andrew hunzicker

accounting for a dispensary turns out to be quite a challenge for the cannabis accountant.

more: 5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing | cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
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there are many issues, both gaap and tax, as well as state-level compliance issues that must be understood as well.

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5 do’s and don’ts for cannabis cpa marketing

save the brand building until you have a few clients.

by andrew hunzicker

so you’ve decided that you want to take the plunge and dive into cannabis accounting. great!

more: cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences | 4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant | 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
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while these are new and exciting times, it is completely understandable if you have concerns about promoting your business within your personal and professional networks.
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cannabis: thc vs. cbd critical differences

how they are different and what accountants need to know.

by andrew hunzicker
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 cannabis

when you look at a cannabis plant and a hemp plant side by side, the plants themselves look identical to an untrained eye, making it a bit challenging to identify, as the real difference lies in the chemistry of the plants.

but to the accountant, the differences a critical.

see more from 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 here

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get hunzicker’s free download:how to find and connect with cannabis ceos in 5 steps

issues include clients in many verticals – cultivation, chemical manufacture, product manufacturing, labs, and retail – cost accounting, consolidations, and multi-entity issues, banking, software, and cash management, to name just a few.

and the tax and compliance issues are actually more complex for hemp/cbd products than for cannabis products.

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4 best things about being a ‘dope’ accountant

clients are easy to find.

by andrew hunzicker

serving the cannabis niche in today’s world is a once-in-a-lifetime event for an accountant, as this industry as it appears is rapidly moving toward federal legalization. the industry is filled with issues and headaches around banking, software, cash management, risk management, merchant services, compliance, continuous regulatory (state, county, city) changes, and last but not the least: accounting.

more: 5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make | five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

in any industry, accountants and bookkeepers are often given the extra roles around insurance, hr, compliance and anything else the ceo doesn’t enjoy. because most of mainstream accounting is still waiting for federal legalization, this provides a great opportunity for us who want to enter the fastest growing niche in the u.s., with over 10,000 new companies being launched this year alone. so what is so great about serving this niche?
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5 biggest mistakes cannabis ceos make

… and how to use them to land a client.

by andrew hunzicker

the single biggest mistake cannabis ceos make is not paying enough attention to compliance.

more: five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm | five reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients | cpa andrew hunzicker creates course in cannabis accounting
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

that’s not surprising, considering many cannabis companies – especially those that have evolved out of the black market – are going from a completely unregulated black market to one of the most regulated industries in the u.s.
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five secrets to launching your own cannabis accounting firm

start with “shock-and-awe” service and tie billing rates to clients’ topline revenues.

by andrew hunzicker

to succeed in an accounting business in the booming cannabis niche, firms must be able to deliver real value to clients.

more at 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间’ cannabizcpa.profive reasons accountants should serve cannabis clients  |   derek davis keeps california cannabis clients informed  |  corporate to cannabis: laura durham of kind accounting  |  corporate to cannabis: laura durham of kind accounting  |  the fire starter: groundbreaking cannabis cpa luigi zamarra  |  commercial medical marijuana use comes to michigan

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it’s the first of five essential ingredients you’ll need in order to prosper because many ceos think of accounting and bookkeeping as a “cost” and a headache.

so your offering needs to be world-class, delivering “shock and awe” service to each of your clients.

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